Our planet is not a resource – it is the source
The Earth is the ultimate provider. But our current food system is just too demanding of our natural resources. The cost we pay for the high demand for meat products is air pollution, water pollution, land degradation, deforestation and threatened biodiversity.
Agriculture is guzzling up 70 percent of our freshwater resources, which is already finite – only 0.5% of all the world’s water is available freshwater. In other words, if our total water supply were 26 gallons, our usable freshwater would be only one-half of a teaspoon. Leaving only a very small fraction of clean freshwater to support ecosystems… and humanity.
Farmers and Scientists are moving toward sustainable practices, but they can’t out-engineer the crisis.
There is hope, and it starts with us. You and me. We, along with the other 80 million plant-based eaters in the world, are helping in a big way! Together, we can turn things around, revegetate deforested lands, and protect our water by eating more veg and less meat. Plant-based for the win!
“It’s not that easy bein’ green”
– Kermit the Frog
Our Strength Is in Our Journey
Ultra-Long Shelf Life
No waste make what you need
Better for the planet
Healthy for people